5 Ways To Simplify Your Fitness (Even With a Busy Schedule)

5 Ways to Simplify Your Fitness (Even With A Busy Schedule)

Date: September 13, 2024

Read on: veganfitnessredefined.com

Read time: 5 minutes

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Today’s issue is brought to you by Vegan Fitness Redefined. We help vegans, veg-curious, and plant-based humans get lean, strong, and build healthy bodies.

Are you a high performer who wants to drop body fat, build lean muscle, and tone up while feeling confident in your health?

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I used to think I was busy.

I barely scratched the surface of the word.

This year has taught me a lot about busyness.

And what’s important.

As I’ve gotten busier as a father, husband, world traveler, and coach, I’ve found my fitness systems have evolved too.

Today’s letter is a special edition into the exact systems I’ve used over the past 10+ years in my fitness AND how they’ve upgraded over the past 12 months.

Before we dive in - I wanted to share a quick story.

8 years ago I was a single guy.

I had left a toxic relationship a few years prior with my heart broken.

After several years of inner work, I was re inspired to find a partner.

But this time, I wasn’t willing to drop my standards.

In fact, my standards were the highest I EVER had in my life.

I vowed to either be with the RIGHT person…

Or be single for the rest of my life.

I found the right partner a few months later.

Albeit an ocean between us.

2 years later, after traveling between continents, sorting out our fiance visa, and getting married, we were together.

Fast forward 6 years and we’re blessed to have our son Anthony.

A few days ago, I looked at my wife and son.

I realized I had everything I ever wanted in one place.

And it wasn’t outside of me.

It was within.

Happiness isn’t something that happens in the future.

Nor is it something that others give to us.

I was happy because I felt content.

Contentment = no desires.

No desire to keep striving.

I was content to just be with those I loved.

Just wanted to share my experience.

If you can relate - reply below and let me know. I’d love to hear your experience on happiness and contentment. 🙂

Lesson: Stress and anxiety is caused by constant striving and wanting more.

Here's Your 1-3-1 Friday:

#1.) Method 1: Create Your Non-Negotiable List

Having a clear list of fitness non-negotiables is where to start.

Knowing your boundaries and what you’re NOT willing to tolerate to go beneath will put you ahead of 95% of people.

Here’s how to do this:

  • Get clear on what fitness activities need to be done each week to move your fitness results forward (e.g. workouts, meal prep, nutrition tracking, sleep, etc.)
  • Set up a standard for each one (e.g. minimum standard of 3 strength workouts every week - no excuses)
  • Once done, schedule these standards onto your calendar; hold yourself accountable to this each day
  • If it’s not done the day it’s scheduled - no worries, reschedule for a different day and recommit to a new day

Standards are what you live your life from.

Without standards, success will be limited.

With standards, you can radically change your life.

One reason why we have such a high success rate inside of the Accelerator Program is because of our unique methodology around standards.

We call it our Accelerator Standards System.

Yet if you prefer to create standards on your own, using the checklist above will be a great place to start.

Remember - standards are your bare minimums.

They’re what you’re NOT willing to tolerate to go beneath.

#2.) Method 2: Use Dedicated Time Blocks

The second methodology is using dedicated time blocks.

A time block is a focused chunk of time with a specific purpose.

For example, when you schedule 45 minutes on your calendar for a workout, this is a time block.

Now, where most people drop the ball is, they don’t schedule their standards.

If you noted the first method above, scheduling your standards is a requirement for follow through.

If it’s not scheduled - it’s not real.

98% of people struggle with their fitness not because of time but because of constraints.

If you don’t put constraints around your time, you’re destined to struggle just like everyone else.

In the 1950s, a navy doctor discovered an interesting paradigm with the ship’s soldiers.

He found when they put time blocks for their work - they got their work done within the time block.

Yet, without the time blocks, the same work expanded and took much longer.

So time blocks are focused bursts of energy that defeat procrastination.

Procrastination is a side effect of self-sabotage.

Self-sabotage results from an unconscious archetype called the Trickster.

The trickster wants us to stay stuck.

To go backwards. To not see results.

This topic alone could take up an entirely different letter (re: the shadow and archetypes).

But it’s an important one to understand, especially if you’re struggled with self-sabotage in the past.

Circling back to time blocks, understand that they will turbo boost your fitness progress faster when you have them in place.

For meal prep, workouts, sleep, meals, and everything in between.

Organization of your time (which is energy) is a sign of maturity.

Choose your time wisely.

#3.) Method 3: Habitstack for Success.

Habit stacking is placing one habit after another in order to stick to both habits.

This often works well with new habits that you’re creating.

If you brush your teeth each morning, then adding a new habit like meditation afterwards could be a smart way of using the habit stack rule.

It’s also a powerful way to create new routines.

Ideally, 2-3 habits stacked together creates a new routine.

Morning and evening routines are essential for health.

How you do one thing - is how you do all things.

Habitstacks are the building blocks for success.

However, they are slightly advanced if you don’t currently have existing health habits in place.

So if you’re struggling with your current habits, start there first.

James Clear has a simple habit building system you can use to create OR break habits.

Here’s how it works:

To create a habit:

1. Make it obvious.

2. Make it attractive.

3. Make it easy.

4. Make it satisfying.

Likewise, to break a habit:

1. Make it invisible.

2. Make it unattractive.

3. Make it difficult.

4. Make it unsatisfying.

Keep it simple.

#4.) Method 4: ESAD Your Life

I shared this system earlier this year with our HPV readers.

As a recap, ESAD is a system by Justin Welsh, which can simplify your life without adding more work.

In fact, it will do the opposite.

Copy and use this for your fitness and life:

E - eliminate

S - simplify

A - automate

D - delegate

If you’re a busy human, implementing this system on a weekly basis can change your life.

It’s changed mine.

It can do the same for you.

One note on the ESAD system.

It requires thinking through each area of your life.

As an example, let’s say you're struggling with creating healthy and nutritious plant-based meals.

Let’s run this task through the ESAD conveyor belt.

Can I eliminate this task?

No - I still need to eat healthy meals.

Can I simplify this task?

Yes, I could. I could shop for all my food items 1-2x a week instead of going to the shop each day.

I could meal prep 1-2x a week instead of ordering takeout or DoorDash 5-6x a week.

Can I automate this task?

Possibly. But as of right now, robots don’t work as culinary chefs.

So no.

Can I delegate this task?

Yes. I could ask for help from my partner (if I have one). Or a family member.

I could delegate part of my meal prep… or all of it (depending on how generous your family is).

Or I could delegate this to a meal prep service (solid option).

Try the ESAD system this week.

Let me know how it goes. 🙂

#5.) Method 5: Slow Down

Reflection is a characteristic of top performers.

Instead of doing more each week, slow down.

Reflect on your life.

On what’s working… and what’s not.

We live in the post information age and currently the overwhelm age.

Information permeates every facet of our life.

Yet, information alone doesn’t lead to transformation.

Transformation comes from consistent actions.

Reflection gives you the space to be and slow down.

To think about your daily and weekly actions.

And notice what’s moving you towards your goals and life vision.

More often than not, we’re too busy with busyness.

Not with our real business.

The business of taking care of your health and body.

The business of actualizing yourself.

The business of being your best for your partner, family, kids, and work.

That’s the real business we should be concerned with.

Not with more busyness.

But with the business of your life.

1 Action Step

Use the ESAD on 3 tasks this week. Then, repeat weekly.

One Quote To Finish Your Week Strong

We only see what we want to see; we only hear what we want to hear. Our belief system is just like a mirror that only shows us what we believe.
Don Miguel Ruiz

Jetlagged from last week.

Slept a lot.

Sleep is bueno.

- Gabriel

Whenever you're ready, there are three ways I can help you:

#1 Join our free high-performance fitness FB group to get access to dozens of live trainings recorded along with a tight-knit group of leaders who want to get healthy, lean, and strong.

#2 Are you a high achiever who wants to be lean, strong, and lead by example? Apply for private 1:1 coaching and get in the best shape of your life (2-week waiting list).

#3 Want to fuel your fitness curiosity and follow along with the latest findings, insights, and evidence-based practices? Let's be friends on Facebook and Instagram. :)

(feel free to DM me anytime - I love connecting with new friends worldwide).

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